We Are Now an IAC Accredited Vein Center

Surgical Specialists of Ocala is proud to announce that we are the only accredited Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Vein Center in Central Florida and one of only six in the entire state.  What does this mean for you?  It means you and your family can take comfort in knowing that your vascular surgeon practices within […]

Chest Surgery

Lung Surgery

 – It’s Not as Intimidating as You Might Think Chest surgery (a.k.a. thoracic surgery) was once a very invasive procedure, often requiring lengthy hospital stays and a longer recovery time. Our lung surgeons use the latest technologies to ensure your procedure is less invasive than typical lung surgeries of the past. Surgical Specialists of Ocala […]

Angioplasty and Stenting Procedure

Angioplasty and stenting

In most cases, we will gain access to your vein through the groin.  Depending on your age and health, you will likely be treated as an outpatient and discharged the same day. Patients who undergo stenting often notice a decrease in swelling and discomfort in their lower extremities. They also find walking to be more […]

What is a Venogram and Why Might I Need a Stent?

What is a Venogram and Why Might I Need a Stent?

When we need to see exactly what is going on within your veins, we take what is called a venogram. This minor procedure involves injecting a harmless dye into your veins and taking an x-ray.  This allows us to see your veins more clearly and identify any blockages or damage.  If we find a blocked […]

Diagnose and Treat Pleural Effusion

Diagnose and Treat Pleural Effusion

Surgical Specialist of Ocala can diagnose and treat pleural effusion. Once diagnosed, we investigate to find the underlying cause, then determine the best course of treatment. Let’s take a look at some of the most common treatment options. Medication Medication may be recommended to reduce the accumulation of fluid. For instance, when pleural effusion is […]

Painful Breathing? Chest Pain? It Could Be Pleural Effusion

Painful Breathing? Chest Pain? It Could Be Pleural Effusion

Pleural effusion (commonly known as “water on the lungs”) is a result of an increase in the fluid between the two membranes that cover the lungs, separating them from the chest wall.  These membranes, called visceral and parietal pleurae, naturally have a small quantity of fluid spread over them.  However, when too much fluid exists, […]

Gallbladder Surgery

Dr Chandra Performing Surgical Proceedure

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ that rests beneath the right side of the liver. Its main purpose is to collect and concentrate a digestive liquid (bile) produced by the liver. Bile is released from the gallbladder after eating, aiding digestion. Bile travels through narrow tubular channels (bile ducts) into the small intestine. Removal of […]

Spider Veins vs. Varicose Veins – What is the Difference?

Spider Veins vs. Varicose Veins – What is the Difference?

Though both can be treated surgically, the symptoms and presentation of spider veins and varicose veins are very different. Let’s take a look at some key features of each. Spider Veins Spider veins get their name from their web-like appearance. They may become discolored and, when tightly clustered, spider veins can sometimes look like a […]

Robotic Surgery is Performed Using the da Vinci Surgical System

This sophisticated robotic approach, like VATS, gives the surgeon access inside the chest cavity through tiny incisions. The surgeon controls the robot’s movements from a nearby console in the operating room. The robotic system provides improved visualization (using three-dimensional technology), better access to mediastinal tissues, and improved ability to remove lymph nodes as part of […]

Newsletter – April 2016

Surgical Specialists of Ocala, The Vein Center of North Florida

Welcome to Surgical Specialists of Ocala and  The Vein Center of North Florida  newsletter. The Leaders in General and Vascular Surgery The team at Surgical Specialists of Ocala understands the apprehension that comes with a surgical procedure. We take our role in your care very seriously. We do not accept minimum as a level of […]

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