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Venous Disease: What You Need to Know

Venous Disease: What You Need to KnowIt is important to note that while there is no cure for chronic venous disease, there are treatments that can help slow its progression.  Surgical Specialists of Ocala offers endovenous ablation – a procedure which closes diseased varicose veins. Another treatment we offer for venous disease is called Phlebectomy, a painless surgical procedure that carefully removes varicose veins.  Sclerotherapy – one of the more popular procedures – treats both spider veins and varicose veins with injections.  Recovery time from each of these procedures is minimal.

It is important to diagnose venous disease in its early stages before it progresses. Our venous disease specialists thoroughly evaluates each patient, then develops a customized treatment plan. Don’t wait until venous disease become a problem and keeps you from doing the things you enjoy.  Call us to schedule your venous disease evaluation today!

Venous Disease: What You Need to Know

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