Evaluating Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTbIazck7rk One diagnostic tool we use for evaluating Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is the peripheral angiogram. This painless, non-invasive test shows us exactly where your blood is flowing. Once diagnosed with PAD, treatment options include a peripheral angioplasty and peripheral bypass. Peripheral angioplasty is the same procedure used to open arteries of the heart. It […]
Diagnosing and Treating Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Pain and discomfort in the legs or extremities can be a result of reduced bloodflow. Blood carries oxygen to various parts of the body through the peripheral arteries. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) – or Peripheral Vascular Disease – occurs when the peripheral arteries become restricted or blocked because of plaque or atherosclerosis (hardening of the […]
Why Carotid Artery Repair is Necessary

Surgical Specialists of Ocala takes carotid artery disease seriously. We perform a long-lasting procedure called carotid artery endarterectomy to safely remove plaque from the arteries. One of the most common vascular surgeries, carotid artery endarterectomy involves making an incision on one side of the neck to reveal the blocked carotid artery. We then clamp the […]
Carotid Artery Disease

Why Carotid Artery Repair is Necessary We have carotid arteries located on either side of our neck. These arteries extend from the aorta to the base of our skull. The purpose of the carotid artery is to deliver blood to the brain and facial areas. Over time, the accumulation of fatty plaque causes these arteries […]